
The Children's Inn at NIH

Family -Focused Projects

Poltronieri Tang & Associates (PT&A) is providing ongoing interior design and thematic design services to The Children’s Inn at NIH, co‑located on the campus of the National Institutes of Health. NIH is the world’s premier biomedical research facility where children and families travel from around the world for state-of-the-art treatment because more conventional treatments have failed to have an impact on the course of their illness. Children receiving intensive treatment for illnesses such as cancer, heart, lung, blood-borne and growth disorders, mental illness, and HIV infections can stay close by at the Inn. 

In the lively atmosphere of the Inn, kids and their families can put side the clinical challenges they face and just be kids for awhile. The overriding philosophy at the Children’s Inn is that families make a difference in the lives, care, and treatment of their sick children. Since its founding the Inn has been a temporary "home away from home" to over 10,000 seriously ill children and their families.


Sonofi Aventis Donor Recognition

PT&A has designed a terrazzo donor floor which will serve to connect the original and new wings of the Inn. The river motif was selected from a range of thematic options because it created a playful and engaging path for the children to follow and references the color combinations found in Sanofi Aventis’ corporate logo. Young residents of the Inn will be a fascinated to find and count the different fish and starry night icons which are elements of the floor design.

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Children's Art Gallery

PT&A has designed a Children's Art Gallery for the display of artwork produced by kids during their stay at the Inn.  By converting a rather plain connecting corridor into a well-lighted showroom with activity stations for kids and casual seating, this underutilized space has been turned into an enlivened meeting place for all.

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Woodmont Donor Recognition

PT&A has also designed donor recognition panels for window and wall locations in the entrance hall at Woodmont House of The Children’s Inn.  The panels honor the donors, but also contribute meaningful and engaging elements to the visitors’ experience as they enter the building.

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Corridor Way Finding

PT&A is also working with the Inn’s staff in developing playful way-finding design elements in otherwise mundane corridors which will lead children and their family members to discover and better utilize all the various social support services located throughout the Inn facility. Using eye-catching design devices such as bold color fascias, undulating hanging ceiling elements, and wall panels with kids portrait and mirror portals, these circulation routes will delight and engage, becoming as memorable as the destinations they lead to.

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“Over the course of a thirty plus year’s career in healthcare I have had the opportunity to engage many architectural and design firms.  By far I find PT&A to be the most creative, the best listeners, and the most in tune with the needs of our shared constituencies. Their intellect coupled with a sincere compassion for others, and commitment to exceed creative boundaries make them exceptional partners.”

Kathy Russell
Chief Executive Officer,
The Children’s Inn at NIH


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Poltronieri Tang & Associates
Pediatric Healthcare Planning and Design

206 Park Avenue | Swarthmore, PA 19081 | Tel  215.300.3618